Thursday, September 15, 2011

diet fail- I am a bread junky!

yesterday was a huge Diet fail.  I can only blame myself even if I am trying to blame others.  First, I blame my girlfriends. They went on vacation. I know my husband is also a support, but ....

So you ask why the fail???   I was asked by a friend (not one of the 4 on the diet with me) to go to lunch.  I of course said yes. I love time out with friends.  she had a craving for pizza so we went to the hut.  I was actually better than I have been in the past, but still 3 slices and 5 bread sticks will not help me to loose 150 pounds. After a decent dinner I failed yet again and made chocolate chip cookies.  they were from a frozen dough so not too hard to resist.  I had 3 with a nice cup of hot tea.  
I have had 2 today also.  Not to many left in the house to tempt me.  At least I baked up only a dozen.
I really need to get focused.  I can only blame myself..
Today I put on a pair of pants I don't think I have ever worn.  they were in my closet and I am sure I got them from one of my fat friends.  They fit, but I still had to lay on the bed to get them buttoned.
I really wonder how much damage this week has done.
I started out good.  Got 3 nice walks in and ate pretty well. Till Wednesday.  Time to gear up again.  Next week we are going to Olive Garden for dinner.  It is a friends birthday celebration.  Hard to say no.  I am a bread junky!

It is all in the mind set.  I have to get back on track. 18 pounds is a good start, but I am feeling a bit of a plateau.  I need to push on through. I have lost the same 30 pounds again and again and then I give up.  I do not want to give up.
Why did I get this motivation at the end of summer. it is getting cold now and who wants to walk outside.
Still need to get my butt to the gym.

All in good time.
Do you feel my frustration???

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather! Thanks for leaving me a comment. I love to get them!! I didn't realize that you have been keeping a blog on your weight loss journey. Keep up the hard work and making good decisions! Every time I see you out walking, it makes me want to grab my sneakers and get out for a walk too!
