Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 20, 2012

My first official 5K.   I started training on February 26 with the couch to 5K program.   I had been running a 5K for a few weeks before this date, but this was the real deal.   A sea of people 1,200 runners.
The Finish Line
It was a warm sunny morning.  I had been training in cooler temperatures, but I was still thrilled with my time 42 minutes 17 seconds.   I started at the back of the pack so I could possible shave a little time off of this chip time.  Still it was a great run and a great time was had by all.

John got a personal best of 23 minutes 47 seconds. I am so proud of him.  Next up he is participating in a triathlon.

 Lynn and I jogged the first mile together for the most part.  We were seperated by people every so often.

the finish line

Mom had a late start due to some parking issues.   I feel bad about it after all that training, but she still did the run.  She missed part of the 3.1 miles because she joined Lynn and I for the last mile and a half. 

the finish line

I am so proud of my mom and sister, and I am so thankful for the team who ran this with me and those who cheered me on. Thanks for coming Stacey, Ellen and Tracy!

I am so lucky to have the support of family and friends.  When we were all done, Melanie asked me to run another 5K in July.  I am honestly considering it.

the team
Mom, Lynn, John, Me, Melanie, Jeremy

1 comment:

  1. I love that your mom did the race, AND that she was the 2nd person to register for it! Way to go.
    You beat my time for my first 5K, it took me a full 45 min. to do the Chicago lung run. I was just happy to finish and not be last!
    You're doing great, and I believe you will do that other race, and you'll beat your time.
    Now, I order you to go out and buy a smaller shirt to wear to that race because you're in a new size!
